Saturday, 5 December 2015

What's been going on...

Well its been a while, but I've been totally bogged down with everything I couldn't really find the energy to write about it all.
In the last 5 weeks I've been  .....
*passing blood on average 25 times a day
*seen the consultant twice, 1st time I was left in tears.
*started injecting drugs at home with no guidance,
*had a chest x - ray
*been for 3 blood tests,
*handed in two stool samples,
*had the 'health care at home' team visit, *been to the eye hospial,
*seen Gp twice,
*had a pressure head ache for ages,
*been to a Sexual counceling session,
*had two lots of dental treatment,
*started steroids again,
*started some horrible powder bile producing drink,
*received numerous phone calls from the new Ibd nurse,
* got admitted to hospital, which felt like a dream come true only to be told 'no consultant don't want you here'
*sat a maths exam
*been to a wedding
*prepared for my 4 years old birthday party.
Soooooooooooo yeah bogged down by it all.
Anyway bleeding has now calmed down lots and I visit the loo 5 ish times a day, how ever I feel pretty sick most of the time and like I've swallowed a brick.

Monday, 2 November 2015

Feeling awful

Today I feel awful, probably no more unwell then I have been for weeks if not months, but I have just vomited from coughing, I have had this problem for weeks alone and was told by my GP to give it time and be paticent. Until it shifts I can't get the flu inject and I may not be able to start my new drugs.
I have also had very sore eyes for 8 weeks on and off, I have spoke to the GP twice about it and nothing has really happened, they have given drops which gave some relief for the 1st day but that has now wore off.
I also suffer with sore skin in my private area which is embarrassing and extremely uncomfortable, nothing seems to help that area! I don't feel comfortable talking to my consultant about this issue but I think I will have to next time I see him.
I have also woke up to 2 mouth ulcers, so top to tail all feels broken. The result of all this is me feeling AWFUL!!!!

Wednesday, 7 October 2015


So not much has been going on here, just waiting for results to been seen by consultant and/an appointment to discuss results.

Today I received a letter  to say the infliximab treatment is no longer work as a lot of antibodies had been found in my bloods. It seems I have to switch to Humira which has to be injected at home.

I didn't really want this treatment, not cos I have to inject that's not something to bother me, but I kind of just didn't want my home to feel too clinical, probably sounds stupid but that's just how I feel!!

I will wait to see when this gets sorted out and what advice/information I will be given. Not feeling very informed at the moment and like I don't have much choice 😐

Oh yeah I did go to Lego land at the weekend and my insides where very well behaved!! Had a great time there would like to go again when the kids are older so we can go on the rides 😄

Sunday, 27 September 2015


Here's my pictures of good and bad days! Crohn's and colitis UK are running this campaign to help raise funds!!

Friday, 25 September 2015

MRI scan

So just had a scan of my small bowel, the preparation drink consumption is really the longest part! You have to drink it slowly over about an hour. It's neither pleasant or horrible, it makes my teeth feel odd and when it hit the bowel prepare to run!!!
Laying in the machine is uncomfortable as boobs and arms seem to get in the way. But 20 minutes of breathing in, holding in then relaxing as instructed isn't too bad if I get some answers!!

Thursday, 24 September 2015

Throw back Thursday

So I thought I dig out my photo of my sticture, to do so I had to rammage around in my appointments folder. I found quite a few letters in there. I can't even begin to think how many appointments I have attended in total over the last 18 months.
On top of that the infliximab has meant countless trips to the Gp due to infections and mouth abcese. I got so fed up with feeling consumed by it all I went to the doctors, I informed them I had had enough of it, I was knackered and sick of it all, so the sent me to 'LIFT' which meant attending a weekly appointment to help LIFT my mood!!! Umm not helping!!!
At least the infusions cleared that sticture up tho because that pain was next level.

Wednesday, 23 September 2015


So I failed on the coffee ban, but I did manage a short run. It's been months since I had the energy to get out and exercise.
Got to say it feel good to get my body moving but it's also good mentally so get some fresh air and time by myself.

Will power

So last night I decided to give up coffee as I drink loads and I'm sure it's not good for my stomach!! I ask my other half to inforce the ban and help me stay away from it.
This morning started well 1st drink of the day I had a cup of decaf tea, then some hot lime juice which was vile but still at least it wasn't contraband.

Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Inflectra treatment

Today was my 10th infusion, the 1st 8 where infliximab but the Nhs swapped to the cheaper brand inflectra.
Today I was unsure weather or not to have the treatment as I doesn't seem to be working, after speaking to the lovely nursing staff in the medical day care unit, decided to go ahead and wait to till I see my Consultant before coming of it completely
As it was my 10th treatment I only had to sit for 30 mins for the infusion to be completed, bit of a shame as missed the free lunch!!!

Monday, 21 September 2015


So here's my latest Colonoscopy results taken on 12/9/2015. I have no idea what this means, so I will look forward to finding out if these picture explain why I feel like I've been kicked up the arse and knackered all the time!!

Rectal foam!!!

My back side is in ribbons 😐
Not sure this rectal foam is helping, but never mind it's always a joy administering an enema!!

Sunday, 20 September 2015

So today has been a great day, I have listened to Bill withers, played pop up pirate, and cos I knew I wasn't leaving the house I thought eff it I'm going to eat a whole meal!!
Even better it was made by my partners mothers, so it was a roast with some ackee and salt fish, I have only needed to run to the bath room 6 times today which is better yesterdays grand total of 15 times, with every time being dramatic and painful.

Tomorrow I hope to leave the house so that means I can only eat yogurt. last week I made a huge mistake and ate a small bowl of chilli for lunch then popped to Lidl. I got held up in the check out and started to feel my guts turn, the very real fear that I may shit myself or vomit or pass out from the pain kicked in to the point I thought all 3 where going to happen at once. I don't think I hid the fear very well, as the lady/ space invader that was stood inches away from me started to eye me up and back away slowly.

That little incident prompted a call to the IBD nurse, only to find her job post is vacant. So I went Back to my GP  to chase up a consultant appointment to discuss  my colonoscopy finding. GP explained my stool sample showed that inflammation markers where very high at 600 rather then under 100, in a way that's good cos now its a case of finding out where the problem is.

Hello!! My name is Ria I am 33 and live with my 2 children and partner. I was diagnose with Crohn's disease in 2010. Up until that point I just thought I was really unlucky and got the shits every few weeks, and in an other way I thought I fairly lucky cos I never really got fat.

Any way now I know what my condition is I feel some relief and some disappointment. Relief that I wont waste away with others thinking 'why doesn't she just eat something' and disappointment because now I have to deal with all that comes with having an live long illness. For me its been loads of appointments, lots of things up my bum, discussing my bowels movements with my boyfriend and strangers, needles and not for ink and medications.... I no longer stay 'skinny' due to the lovely meds. although my weight is really the least of my worries it was a sliver lining this Is now no more.

I have decided to write this as I have felt awful now for 12 months while using infliximab, and feel like I cant really explain what life is like with Crohn's, I find it hard to not sound like I'm moaning or being negative. I even feel like this while talking to medical professionals so I thought sod it I'll write it down. I don't expect to be inspirational or really very interesting but I just want to be honest so my head is not also full of shit as well as my life.