Saturday, 5 December 2015

What's been going on...

Well its been a while, but I've been totally bogged down with everything I couldn't really find the energy to write about it all.
In the last 5 weeks I've been  .....
*passing blood on average 25 times a day
*seen the consultant twice, 1st time I was left in tears.
*started injecting drugs at home with no guidance,
*had a chest x - ray
*been for 3 blood tests,
*handed in two stool samples,
*had the 'health care at home' team visit, *been to the eye hospial,
*seen Gp twice,
*had a pressure head ache for ages,
*been to a Sexual counceling session,
*had two lots of dental treatment,
*started steroids again,
*started some horrible powder bile producing drink,
*received numerous phone calls from the new Ibd nurse,
* got admitted to hospital, which felt like a dream come true only to be told 'no consultant don't want you here'
*sat a maths exam
*been to a wedding
*prepared for my 4 years old birthday party.
Soooooooooooo yeah bogged down by it all.
Anyway bleeding has now calmed down lots and I visit the loo 5 ish times a day, how ever I feel pretty sick most of the time and like I've swallowed a brick.